Do you need a third-party workplace investigation?

Knowing when to conduct a workplace investigation — and whether to investigate internally or hire an outside investigator — can be confusing, especially for organizations facing their first complaint. Every case is different, but these seven questions can help you think through whether you need an investigation and how to proceed if you do.

1. Have you received a written or verbal workplace complaint?
2. Does the complaint involve a factual dispute?
3. If the complaint is true, will you need to take adverse action against an employee (demotion, transfer, reassignment, termination, etc.)?
4. Does the complaint allege discrimination against a class protected by federal or state law?
5. Does the complaint open you up to other legal liabilities?
6. Does the complaint include criminal allegations?
7. Do you have an unbiased, experienced internal investigator with no conflicts of interest and time to conduct a thorough and fair investigation?